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Bridge Inn

A pub in Crewe.

Audlem, Crewe, Cheshire, CW3 0DX
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Facilities include: Guinness Quality Accredited,

Drink % Brewery
Courage Directors Bitter 4.8 The Eagle Brewery

This premium cask ale has a strong following throughout the country. Courage Directors was originally brewed exclusively for the Directors of the Alton brewery, but following public demand, the beer was made available to the public.

Tasting Notes: It is genuine premium beer, pale brown in appearance with a deep rich taste.

Pedigree 4.5 Marstons

Pedigree. Now with added personality. They haven’t changed the taste. Just how it looks. So welcome to the new-look Pedigree, or “P” as it was first known. Strange that, looking back.

Tasting Notes: Anyway, it has a fascinating aroma, with a palate of biscuit malt, spicy hops and light fruitiness. It was renamed in a staff competition back in George Peard’s day. He was the Head Brewer at the time – that’s him on the clip. Cheers George.

Saddle Tank 3.6 Marstons

An oldie but a goodie. The recipe's been around for yonks. Clear, bright and full flavoured with a malty, biscuit taste. Named it after the train that once brought hops and malts into the Brewery. And then shipped the beer out. All aboard.

Tasting Notes: Malty, biscuity

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